With so many options, it can be hard to select your identity. But it’s never been more critical. In today’s highly branded world, if you don’t know exactly who you are, how will anyone else?
Not only is your chosen brand critical to instantly convey the full depth of your personality, but it is your guide in knowing what to do, wear, think, post, and feel. Your designated identity is the beacon that guides you through the many confusing channels of modern life. But worry not, IDENTITY CON is here so you can Peruse Before You Choose™!
Your brand is what people will see first and last, and how they will always think of you.
You may wishfully think that you can simply “follow your bliss,” and let your own organic preferences guide you through life. But to do that you’re going to have to pay attention to your feelings, and no one wants to do that. Worse still, following your own drummer will almost certainly mean you’ll have to break from the pack, and that’s both scary and lonely. Besides, even if you pull it off, it’s just plain confusing to everyone else.
It’s okay if you aren’t just one thing. At ID CON, hybrids are embraced, just so long as your unique combination of qualities is widely practiced and completely predictable.
Your identity isn’t just a label. It’s a lens through which you will view the world so you can know precisely how you feel at any given moment.
Once you make the big decision, ID CON CORP is here to support you with hundreds of thousands of identity-specific conventions hosted throughout the world every day where you can become acquainted with the major brands and official merchandise of your selected identity, often available direct with free one-day shipping.
Act now to get started down the clearly marked path to your own easily recognized individual brand and enjoy a pre-determined life filled with national designer labels and supporting podcasts to guide you to your own unique identity.
Buy-in today to the biggest ID Con ever!